Cherokee Phoenix


Published October, 7, 1831

Page 3 Column 2c


From the Rev. S. A. Worcester to the Editor.

Laurenceville, Sept. 18, 1830.(This is the date as published in the paper )

Mr. Boudinott,- Before you can receive this you will have heard of our trial and condemnation by the Superior Court of Georgia in this place.

It is no more than justice to say, that, although some of the counsel on the part of the state, one in particular, laid to the charge of some of us many grievous accusations which he could not prove, the Solicitor General, Mr. Tripp, paid a regard to our feelings and character which entitles him to our esteem.

The address of the judge on pronouncing the sentence of the court will doubtless be given to the public, and of its character the public must judge.

Since our condemnation we have been treated with a degree of kindness and respect which does honor to at least a portion of the community among which we are. We are not in jail nor in bonds, but simply under guard in a boarding house of our own choice. We experience much sympathy from many. The Lord reward them for all their kindness.

It was at first intended that we should set out for Milledgeville on Saturday, but afterwards found that the necessary arrangements could not be made. Finding that it was in contemplation to depart on Sabbath morning, we addressed a letter to the Sheriff, requesting the privilege of resting on the holy day, and were much gratified to receive the following reply:

LAWRENCEVILLE, Sept. 17th 1831

Rev. S. A. Worcester and the other Applicants.

Yours of this morning is received, and in reply I have to state that your request is readily complied with. In taking this step you must be sensible that I incur considerable responsibility for the expense of the guard employed to prevent the necessity of confining you in jail is considerable, but believing it is not the wish of the public Authorities of the State, (and knowing that it is not my desire) to offer the least disrespect to religion through harsh treatment of any of its professors on account of conscientious scruples, much less to aggravate the sufferings of a condition already sufficiently painful, I take much pleasure, with a hope that it will be approved by my fellow citizens, in affording you this evidence, how much your feelings and misfortunes can be respected by a public officer.

Your very respectfully,


We are to set out this morning. Wishing the best of Heaven's blessings to yourself and your people.

I remain your very affectionate friend.