Cherokee Phoenix

For the Cherokee Phoenix

Published October, 1, 1831

Page 3 Column 2a

For the Cherokee Phoenix

Mr. Editor:- I send you a few thoughts, which you may publish in your paper, if you think they are worthy of notice.

A few months ago the President's message was handed to me, in which I found a sentence in substance like this, 'The removal of the Cherokees west of the Mississippi, would expedite their civilization.' When I read this sentence I thought the President, with regard to the Cherokees, was void of political and moral honesty. For I could not imagine how any man of common sense, could believe, that the removal of a people into a wilderness country, far from all civilized people, would hasten to civilize and Christianize them. But I have recently travelled through that part of the nation where cruel oppression abounds more and more. (You see sir, I have not designated any particular part of this Nation, therefore, if the above remarks fit any persons, I want them to take them home to themselves, for I have travelled through most part of the Nation) and have to acknowledge on second thought, that the President is not so far wrong, as I first supposed him to be. For I saw plainly that the neighbors of the Cherokees (or at least those who should be such) acting so far beneath anything I ever saw among the Cherokees, that I am of the opinion, it will be very difficult to civilize any one, very soon, who lives near to people, that surpass all the Indians I have ever seen, in tyrannical laws, orders and acts. I speak that I do know, and testify that I have seen.

Sir, perhaps, you may think by this time, that I am in favor of removing the Cherokees west of the Mississippi. I tell you no, and am in hopes I never will be, except they be willing to go thither. But I will tell you of what I am in favor. You ask, what is that? The civilization of those oppressors. Again you ask, why should they be civilized? Because it is said, 'He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his MAKER.' And it may be those people live in what they call a Christian land. And I am sorry to say I once saw a piece written in favor of those despotic laws, and by a man who, it is said, is a preacher of the Gospel. I should like to hear him elucidate the 6th verse of the 58th chapter of Isaiah-'Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the lands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and let the oppressed go free' 'c. And in addition to this let him quote the 12th verse of the 7th chapter of our Lord's Gospel according to St. Mark. 'Therefore, all things whatsoever ye would that men should to you do ye even so to them for this is the law 'c.' And I am conscious of these oppressors be not civilized, they will bring reproach upon the Christian world.

Once more,--you ask how shall this be done? I answer, by the rod; for it is written, 'the rod is for the fool's back.' The President ought to regulate such people; for the Constitution of the United States says, Art. 2nd. Sect. 3rd. 'He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.' And I think those oppressors are violating the laws of the land. And you know if the President does not attend to such things, he does not attend to his duty. And if he will not attend to his duty, I am in hopes, ere it be long, we will have a man in office that will do what is right. For I want every ruler, who will not execute the laws of the land, to be as the man described in the 109th Psalm 8th verse, 'Let his days be few and let another take his office.'


Cherokee Nation Sept. 15th 1831.