Cherokee Phoenix

Note: This edition of the Phoenix is printed in four columns only

Published December, 5, 1830

Page 2 Column 1c

Note: This edition of the Phoenix is printed in four columns only.


Dr. Palmer, who is connected with the mission of the American board to the Arkansas Cherokees, thus writes under date of July 15th:- Jour. of Humanity.

Many in our neighborhood, especially in that part of it which borders on the white settlements, are giving themselves up to dissipation and drunkenness. Indeed, intemperance with all its horrid train of evils, seems to threaten a speedy destruction of the nation. A few weeks ago, I found at Mr. Price's one morning as I went to preach, several drunken persons very loud and noisy, but they moved off out of sight when divine service began. After the close of the exercises, Mr. Price informed me that these drunken fellows, with several others, had been round the house all night, that near by there had been on Saturday, a large collection of idle people to attend a shooting match; and that some of them continued drinking and carousing all night, to his great annoyance. He said it was a grief to him to see the people so much given up to dissipation, and he asked, 'What can be done?' I told him of the temperance societies at the east, and what great good was effected by them. He said he thought such a society might do good among his people. I told him, if he thought so, we should make a trial of it.- Several others sitting by were equally well pleased with the suggestion, and engaged to become members. The formation of a temperance society was what I had in contemplation for several months, but never before had I seen so fair an opportunity to propose it with success. Mr. Washburn thought that now was the time to make the attempt. Accordingly, I embraced opportunities to converse with many of the most respectable persons in the neighborhood on the subject, and at length a public meeting was appointed five days ago, for the purpose of organizing the society. On the day appointed, a good number of persons of both sexes convened at one place, and Mr. Washburn delivered an appropriate discourse. The constitution, requiring total abstinence, was then read, and after several addresses in Cherokee, thirteen respectable persons came forward and subscribed to it. This number may be thought small, but all the friends of the society are confident of its ultimate success. It is now proposed by the females to form a similar society among themselves, which will be encouraged. Over these prospects we rejoice with trembling.