Cherokee Phoenix

For the Cherokee Phoenix

Published October, 23, 1830

Page 3 Column 3a

For the Cherokee Phoenix

A letter was published in your paper last week addressed to the officer commanding a detachment of the United States troops, from the Six's Station, by the Cherokees who were at work at the gold mine on Alatony Creek, and who were ordered by said commander to desist further digging. It was stated by them that they had come to the conclusion to continue their operations in a peaceable manner, and bear the consequences, but more recent circumstances have changed their determination. One of the signers of that letter had a conversation a few days after, with one of the officers who commands a station of the troops, who advised a suspension of their work until the views of the Government were more fully developed on the subject, and thought it would afford better opportunity, perhaps, of effecting the entire removal of all white intruders out of the nation. The Cherokees, disposed to act with prudence ' in the most friendly manner, toward the Government ' its authority, concluded to desist for a while, trusting that some good to the nation might be the result. Since then two detachments of troops have visited the mine but found very few citizens, perhaps half a dozen, who were captured and kept under guard one night and released. Another detachment from headquarters has been ordered on the Georgia frontier, along the Chattahoochy, to remove all white intruders and burn their houses. Another has visited Echota the last few days, and taken several white persons and confiscated about one hundred gallons of whiskey, introduced by a white man contrary to the laws of the United States and this nation, and himself made a prisoner, but on their return march by some means, effected his escape in the dark. What the final result of these movements may be we know not, but does not a present seem to be very favorable to the position of Georgia, and in my view places its authority in a delicate situation.

During the short stay of the troops, the officers, Lieutenants McKenzie and Adams, (the latter a nephew of Ex-President Adams) visited the Council. They were kindly and respectfully treated. Upon their entrance into the Council House the Speaker arose and welcomed them by a few appropriate remarks, which I doubt not must have impressed upon them a sense of the great respect entertained by the people ' authority of this union toward their Government. The National Committee afforded a similar testimony of their respect and esteem for the Government and its officers; and it may be proper to add that the Cherokees, have been highly pleased with these two young gentlemen, who are worthy the title of American citizens, discharging with fidelity their duties as officers.
