Cherokee Phoenix


Published June, 5, 1830

Page 3 Column 2b



On motion of Mr. Bell, the several special orders of the day were postponed, and the House resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Wickliffe being called to the chair, and took up the bill making an appropriation to enable the President of the United States to effect and exchange of lands with the Indians, within the States, and to provide for their removal beyond the river Mississippi.


Bell, chairman of the committee on Indian Affairs, rose and addressed the Committee at large, in explanation of the objects of the bill, and the policy and expedience of the measures which it contemplated.- Having spoken upwards of two hours, he intimated his willingness to give way, and allow some other gentleman to continue the argument; if it was the pleasure of the Committee to sit longer, reserving what he had further to say for another day.


Lumpkin, of Georgia, rose and expressed a willingness to proceed with the remarks which he designed to make, if the committee were disposed to continue the sitting; but, it being half after three o'clock, (and some members intimating a wish after the late fatiguing sittings of the House; that the committee should rise) he gave way; and the committee rose, and

The House adjourned;

The House the (sic) resolved itself into a committee of the whole of the state of the Union, Mr. WICKLIFFE in the chair, and resumed the consideration of the bill 'providing for an exchange of lands with the Indian tribes, and for their removal of West of the river Mississippi.'

Mr. LUMPKIN was entitled to the floor, but he said, considering the circumstances under which he obtained it yesterday, he felt it his duty to resign it to Mr. BELL, who had not finished his remarks.

Mr. BELL when rose, and, after acknowledging the courtesy of the gentleman from Georgia, proceeded with the argument which he commenced yesterday, and addressed the committee about five hours on the various questions presented by the bill, and connected with our Indian relations.- When he concluded,

On the motion of Mr. STORRS, of New York, the coinmmittee (sic) rose.

The House resolved itself into Committee of the whole on the state of the Union. Mr. WICKLIFFE in the chair.

The Committee then procceded (sic) to consider the Indian bill.

Mr. LUMPKIN then took the floor in defence of the policy and expediency of the bill. After he had concluded.

Mr. ELLSWORTH took the floor in opposition to the bill.

Mr. FOSTER then obtained the floor and addressed the Committee in favor of the bill. He continued his argument until between 5 and 6 o'clock, when the Committee rose and reported progress.

The House adjourned.


Page 3 Col. 5

The following ar a list of the names as candidates for the next General Council to represent Chickamauga District.

For the Committee.

John Baldridge,

Jas. Brown,

Jas. Starr,

Rich. Taylot.

For the Council.

Little Meat

Sleeping Rabbit



Three Killer

Hunter Langley

