Cherokee Phoenix

From the Pittsfield Argus

Published February, 17, 1830

Page 2 Column 2c

From the Pittsfield Argus.

At a meeting of citizens of the town of Pittsfield, convened by public notice, on Monday evening last, to take into consideration the condition and prospects of the Indians, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted.

1. The claim of Georgia is not one of jurisdiction, but of title to domain, or right of soil-and this claim is entirely on the United States, whose faith is pledged to satisfy it, when it can be done consistently with national honor and the right of the Indians; i.e. as soon as it could be done 'peaceably and on reasonable terms.'

2. The United States possess no right, nor are under any obligation to procure for Georgia or any other State, the Indian title to the soil, in any other way than by civil pact and voluntary cession of the Indian nations or tribes.

3. Should Georgia use its jurisdiction over the Indians, which is protective to communities and not generally coercive or operative on individuals, and designed to assimilate and nationalize the Indian population--as an engine to conquer their freedom or extort their lands, the injury should be repelled by freemen, and arrested by the government of the nation.

4. An unconditional surrender of the unalienable rights and privileges of man, for a removal from home and property, is an alternative not to be proposed to a community of 75,000 souls, without impugning the principles of our Revolution, and striking at the foundation of all liberty. Therefore,

Resolved, That we adopt, as the sense of this meeting, and recommend to the consideration of Congress, the Memorial of the citizens of the City of New York, signed John Trumbull, chairman.