Cherokee Phoenix


Published January, 20, 1830

Page 2 Column 5a




Two inhabitants of Creekpath, Dempsey Fields and George Baldridge, we understand have lately been robbed by white men, who broke into their houses in the night, and carried off what articles they could. Mr. Fields house was entered while he was absent, but Mr. Baldridge was robbed before his eyes.


In the annual report of this gentleman to the Secretary of War, the old assertion which, by this time must be very familiar to our readers, is repeated, as well be seen below. As we have already said so much on this subject, we do not feel disposed to add many remarks. A word or two will suffice. The time will assuredly arrive when Col. McKenney will perceive that he has been doing great injustice to the Cherokees. When the actions of this life shall be revealed, it will then be known that he has been guilty of slandering an innocent people whom he has always addressed by the delusive title of Brothers. We leave him to his conscience and his God.- General Coffee, mentioned in the following extract, is not the gentleman we have already noticed- he is from Georgia and was a Commissioner of the Government, it appears to sound the Cherokees. While he was traversing the nation he made himself known to but few individuals-we did not see him, or if we did, we did not know he was the man. It is very natural he should tell something as a reason for his unsuccessful mission.


military is again recommended, to keep the chiefs in check. If the military is sent with the solemn declaration that it shall be stationed near the Georgia line, and instructed to clear the country of intruders, no chief, we believe, would object.

Col. McKenney says, 'Col. Montgomery has enrolled and sent all 510 souls, of whom 431 are Cherokees, and 79 blacks,' This is positively false- designed to deceive and mislead the public. Were there no white men who emigrated? Are they included in the 431 Cherokees, or in the 79 blacks? Besides, were there no half breeds, whom the Colonel has always represented as being opposed to emigration! Yes, a considerable proportion of the heads of families were whites, and but few of the emigrants were full Cherokees. The Colonel is very careful not to mention the number of each, lest his assertion should be overthrown by his own mouth. If he seek truth and justice, let him tell us how many white men have emigrated-how many slaves-how many half breeds, ' how many full Cherokees, who, he says are, willing to remove. It is a shameful instance of perversion of truth.

Under the treaty of 6th May, 1828, and with the means provided by Congress to carry the same into effect, Col. Montgomery has enrolled and sent off 510 souls of whom 431 are Cherokees, and 79 blacks; and Colonel Crowell has sent off 1200 Creeks. The evidence furnished the Department, as to the disposition of both these tribes to remove, is demonstrative of their willingness to go; but they are held in check by their chiefs and others, whose interest it is to keep them where they are. Among the Creeks, especially, the most severe punishments have been inflicted, by mutilating, and otherwise, those who had enrolled to go, and while in their camp and where they supposed they would be protected. Such is the dread of the these people of the violence of their chiefs, that they are afraid to express their wishes on this subject, except in whispers, and then only to those in whom they have entire confidence. It will be seen from Gen. Coffee's report above referred to (No. 3) that a like terror is exercised over the Cherokees. It is by no means unnatural for the chiefs of tribes to oppose the going away of their people. It would be unnatural if they did not. In proportion to the reduction of their numbers does their power decrease; and their love of power is not less than other people's. It confers distinctions, not only among themselves, but in relation, also, to neighbouring (sic) tribes. And to this feeling may be superadded the uncertainty which rests upon the future, drawn from the lessons of the past. But there are, I respectfully suggest, remedies for both, and the Federal Government has the power to apply them. The presence of an armed force would effectually relieve the first; and the adoption of a system for their security and preservation, and future happiness, that should be as effective and ample as it ought to be permanent, would relieve the last. I would not be mistaken as to the use that should be made of the military. Its presence should be preceded by the solemn declaration that it was coming not to compel a single Indian to quit the place, of his choice, but only to protect those who desire to better their condition, and in the exercise of their wish to do so- Humanity seems to require this, and, if this measure had been adopted sooner, many who now smart under the lash of their chiefs, and who are doomed to pass the remainder of their lives with mutilated bodies, would be free from the one, and not have to endure the suffering and disgrace of the other.