Cherokee Phoenix


Published October, 14, 1829

Page 2 Column 5b to Page 3 Column 1b


The two houses of the General Council were organized on Monday. They adjourned to Tuesday after the Committee appointed Edward Gunter and Thomas Foreman, and the Council, Archibald Campbell and Charles Reece to wait on the principal Chiefs, to inform them that both houses were organized, and were ready to receive any communication they had to make.

Tuesday.- Both houses met and formed a joint committee of the whole. The Message of the Principal Chiefs was read and interpreted into the Cherokee language.

[The message will appear in our next.]


The case of the Indians is attracting general attention throughout the country. The great question is not confined to a particular section of the Union, but is made a subject of serious investigation in the Eastern, Middle and Western States. The able pieces of William Penn are copied into a large number of papers, the readers of which probably amount, according to the lowest supposition, to two hundred thousand. We receive many encouraging letters from different parts of the country.- We present to our readers the following extracts from two, the first written by a gentleman in Connecticut, and the other by a gentleman in Ohio.

Ed. Ph.

There is some appearance of a brighter day approaching. The nation is beginning to awake and to look to the wrongs of the Cherokees. A long time appears to be necessary to engage the feelings of the great body of the people but when once they are made to understand the merits of your cause, they will say in their majesty, your rights shall be respected. I have not yet so poor an opinion of our countrymen as to believe that they will so forget the respect they owe to themselves ' to the world as to be wantonly guilty of driving you from your lands into an inhospitable wilderness, to be again driven from that as soon as it shall please your avaricious and unprincipled neighbors to say, they need your possessions.


I hope you will boldly, and fearlessly declare the truth respecting the oppression, and injustice which any of the Indian Tribes may expect from any of the unprincipled whites, even though it may be the chief magistrate of our nation and his council. Whatever may be the feelings of the people of Georgia and the Southern states; there are doubtless hundreds of thousands in the Eastern, Middle, and Western states who sympathize with you and would much regret to have you driven from your possessions or deprived of your rights, as men or as citizens.

We have reason to rejoice that Divine Providence is raising up in different parts of the United States and other parts of the world, able advocates, to plead the cause of the oppressed, and afflicted Aborigines.- May their number be increased a hundred fold, until every oppressor shall flee, and with shame, shall hide his head where the peaceful Indians may no more be disturbed by their lawless aggressions.

There is very special reason that all the Indians should confidently trust in the Lord. He is able to deliver them from all their enemies. The Bible informs us;' They that trust in the Lord shall not be ashamed.'- He has the hearts of kings and rulers at his hand, and he can turn them whithersoever he will. Let all the Indian tribes remain quietly and peaceably on their own lands, and we may hope the Lord will at length appear for their help. What advantage can it be, for any of them to remove beyond the Mississippi? Wicked white men may follow them and even soon go beyond them. If the solemn treaties which have already been made, are to be violated, where can there be any safety for the poor red men?


A writer, in a New York paper, under the signature of Mayhew, speaking of the Indians, says, 'they are a blood thirsty race.' Will Mayhew be so good as to inform us to what race some of the first English settlers belonged, of whom Robertson says, in his History of America, vol. 4, p. 190.

'By the inconsiderate waste of the colonies, they were again reduced to such extremities of famine as not only to eat the most nauseous and unwholesome roots and berries, but to feed on the bodies of the Indians whom they slew!'

Again in page 210, 'A bloody war, was commenced against the Indians, and bent on exterminating the whole race, neither old nor young were spared; and regardless of the principles of faith, honor and humanity, the English deemed everything allowable, which tended to accomplish their design. They hunted the Indians like wild beasts; and as the pursuit of them to their places of retreat in the woods, was both difficult and dangerous, they endeavored to allure them from their fastnesses, by offers of peace and oblivion, and induced many of them to return to their peaceful locations. The Indians confided in the reconciliation and lived in absolute security, without suspicion of danger. But the English, on the approach of harvest, when they knew a hostile attack would be most formidable and fatal, fell suddenly upon all the Indian plantations, murdered every person upon whom they could behold, and drove the rest to the woods where so many perished with hunger, that some of the tribes nearest to the English were totally extirpated.