Cherokee Phoenix


Published March, 18, 1829

Page 2 Column 2b



Col McKenney, in his letter to the Secretary of War, repeats what has been frequently said, that the Chiefs of the Southern Indians prevent the emigration of their people by threats. The Cherokees are no doubt included, and the opinion derived from Col. Montgomery's letters to the War Department. Our readers will recollect a correspondence which we published sometime since between Col. Montgomery and Mr. John Ross, in which the former expressed his belief, that threats were employed by the Chiefs to retard emigration. The latter stated that he was ignorant of any threats, and requested the Agent if he knew of any to particularize them. This was not complied with, nor can it be with truth, for to our most certain knowledge, the chiefs, as such, and as a body, are innocent of the accusation as far as threats are concerned. The Agent was no doubt impressed by some of his emigrating party, and being too credulous, was induced to believe a statement which we do not think can be proved. We hope the General Government will not be included to make the Nation accountable for the acts of individual persons. If any threats have been made (we do not however believe there have been any) by any of the citizens of this nation, it has been done upon individual responsibility.

What Col. McKenney means, in his letter to the Secretary of War, by the expression, 'by threats and otherwise,' may be learnt by recurring to the letter of Col Montgomery of 26th September, in which these words occur; ' and finding that every possible means had been used both in their paper and verbally, by the chiefs' 'e. Now hear the remedy -- 'The presence of an armed force!' We are then soon to be awed into silence by implements of warfare. Here is a grand way, 'to secure the freedom of will.' Col. McKenney and all who are concerned in the emigrating scheme, are respectfully informed, that the will of the people of this nation is free, and the chiefs do not need to be instructed on this subject by soldiers.


We have always considered the inducements, to a savage life beyond the Mississippi, great. Our correspondent Quixote has furnished an evidence to show that we are not mistaken. The Cherokees have not sufficient civilization to preserve them from the temptations which a wild and uncultivated, and withal, a poor country affords. 'A CHEROKEE FARMER' is a man of unquestionable veracity, and his assertations in regard to the Western Country deserve the fullest credit.


It is calculated upon probable suppositions, in order to remove the whole Cherokee Nation, it will require about Three Millions of Dollars, We should think with this sum every Indian tribe in the U. States might be civilized and rendered happy.


We have seen a letter from the Choctaw nation, which states that the prospects of religion among that people are encouraging, particularly at Ai-ik-Hun-na, a missionary station under the care of the American Board of Foreign Missions. Quite a number, it is hoped have passed from death unto life. What is still more encouraging is, two of the principal chiefs, Col Folsom and Col Leflure, have taken a decided interest in the religious prosperity of their people, and are using their efforts to promote their moral improvement. The seed sown during eleven years is beginning to spring up. 'In due time ye shall reap if ye faint not.'


We understand from a worthy correspondent in the Valley Towns, in this nation, that there is quite an attention to religion in that section. He writes to us. 'I received fifty copies of the Hymn Book by F. -- and they have only produced an ardent thirst for more, without satisfying it. I wish you to forward more without delay. You would be greatly pleased to witness the attention to the Gospel which is manifested all through the Valley Towns, and I have good hopes that the Spirit of God has wrought an effectual change in the hearts of some.

* * * *

I hope you will soon have the little Scripture tract ready for distribution. The people here are hungering for the word of God. As soon as they are ready, do not fail to send me some.'


* Our correspondent thinks 200 copies will be necessary to supply the people in that neighborhood.


We understand that two thieves were lately tried at Coosewaytee. One was a very noted one, whose name we have the honor of publishing in our paper. Both were found guilty. The principal one received one hundred lashes on the bare back, and the other fifty.


Complaints have been made to us by some of our subscribers, that they do not receive the Phoenix regularly. The delinquency must rest on the Post Masters, for we deposit our papers regularly on Wednesday evening, in the post office at this place.


During the last and previous week, we have received a number of orders from our subscribers to discontinue their papers. We tender our thanks to those who have forwarded us our little dues. But some have only sent us orders to stop, and not a cent to pay for your year's labour. When do they intend to pay us? Others have paid us only $2.50, when $3.50 was due. We hope a word to

the wise will be sufficient.


By the last mail we received several interesting Cherokee communications, which, if our time would allow, we should be glad to present to our English readers. Most of them are from Creek

Path, which has afforded more emigrants than any single neighborhood in the nation. It appears that a meeting was held there, for the purpose of ascertaining the views and feelings of

the people on the subject of emigration. We learn, with the exception of those who have already emigrated, that the people are opposed to it. We learn further, that some of those who

leave the country as emigrants do not go peaceably. They move off clandestinely in order to avoid paying their just debts.



QUIXOTE will be inserted in our next.

PHILANTHROPIST has our thanks for his communication -- his subject is an interesting one. He shall have a place in our next.