Cherokee Phoenix

To the undertakers to keep in good repair the Federal Road

Published December, 29, 1828

Page 3 Column 5a

To the undertakers to keep in good repair the Federal Road

WHEREAS, a resolution was passed by the National Committee and Council on the 25th of October, 1824, that the from Chattahoocy to May's ferry on Highwassee river, and also the one to Blythe's ferry on Tennessee river and the one to Walker's ferry on Highwassee river, should be let out to the lowest bidder, for the term of five years commencing on the 1st of December, 1824, on the following conditions, to wit:

The road to be cut twenty four feet wide, clear of trees, and the causwaving to be covered with dirt, together with the digging of mountains and hills, to be fourteen feet wide, clear of rocks, roots and grube.

I hereby make known to the undertakers of the different shares of said road that, there will be a commissioner appointed to review said road by the 25th of March next, and if said road, or any part thereof, be found not to be in the order as prescribed by law, I shall proceed to instiute suit against all undertakers failing to have their shares in the order received by law.

J. M. LYNCH, N. Marshall

Dec. 29, 1828 42lt.